Stupid Sperm Swimming Club
Stupid Sperm Swimming Club is introduced as an "Unusual Racing Game" that uses artificial intelligence (AI) technology and the brand new Evolve-to-Earn (E2E) mechanism to simulate the evolution of "species". ” by “training” and improving the genetic ability of the sperm.
The model of the game is inspired by the principle of natural selection of the scientist - Charles Darwin. The team's idea is for players to develop themselves and select the best individuals in their population through crossbreeding NFTs with each other.
This gives players the ability to infinitely create their NFTs without any barriers thanks to AI and mutant genes in the selection process. And the value of the NFTs that players create will be determined by market demand.
Collection features
The collection starts with 5000 NFTs with 120 different attributes. For each NFT, there will be 2 different PFPs with and without background. In which, PFP without background will be used as a representative of that NFT in the race and Training Center.
Each NFT will represent a population of 20 "tadpoles", in which each will have different brains and neural organs classified and stored inside the smart contract.
Mint date: TBA
Disclosure and opening of the club to the community: 2 days after mint
NFT Staking: 4 days after mint
Training Center: 11 days after mint
First race (E2E): 18 days after mint
Project team

According to research, the current partner of the project is My Pet Hoolligan.
There were some rumours going around that a mad scientist from @stupidsperm had managed to get hold of Hooli’s swimmers. Hooli was keen to respond!…
— My Pet Hooligan (@mypethooligan) September 24, 2022
Walking around on StupidSperm's Twitter, the community still doesn't know much about this collection. However, among the comments on the project's Pin Tweet, there are a few NFT KOLs who show great interest and look forward to the launch date. This may be our chance to join soon with famous NFT collectors.
This trailer turned out so clean! Can’t wait to see this project go live. 🔥🧼— BAYC#4567 || Collector 💣🍌 (@BombNFTs) September 21, 2022
Staking system
GenT will be the main exchange token of the project. Users can use GenT at "training centers" to upgrade and help NFT get better skills.

To accumulate more GenT, players can stake their NFT in the Refrigerator - pool farm of the project, and will receive GenT after a certain number of blocks. The NFTs staked in the fridge can still be brought to training and races.
And it is also not necessary to collect the earned GenT to be able to use them for other purposes, the staking balance will be recorded directly into the wallet and ready to use or transfer as soon as the token is generated. .
Other features of GenT will be added in the project's Roadmap 2.0 in the future.
Training and Crossing
Currently the project will revolve around races as the central experience. With a main track already built initially, other functions will also be added and unlocked periodically after each tournament. Tournaments will be held after 2 weeks of training.

In the training center, players can evaluate their NFTs performance and monitor the behavior of the tadpoles. Based on this, the player can select and breed them, creating a new population with more evolved traits.
Each sperm will have individual stats called fitness, which represents the percentage of distance they have covered in each race for each NFT. Fitness stats will be calculated at the end of each training session.

Trainings will end if:
- One of the two invidiuals reaches the finish line (max score - 100).
- All the "tadpoles" hit the wall.
- The player presses the Stop button. The Stop button is a tool that helps the user to complete the training rounds in case all the sperm keep swimming in circles and can't find a way out.
Once training is over, the player has the ability to evolve his NFT. The genetic algorithm the game uses is called elitist, which means that the individual with the best skill (best fitness) will pass on to the next generation without modification. The "tadpoles" later, will be put into a tournament, bred and mutated. Descendants, however, do not always perform better than the previous generation. To confirm evolution, the player needs to pay 1 GenT and confirm the transaction in the contract to create a new generation.
In the event that an individual completes the course objectives during training, the player will have the ability to classify. If a player chooses a division, they will be required to pay a ticket fee to participate in tournaments according to their assigned tier. Then if the player chooses to evolve again, that money will be refunded, but will lose the chance to participate in the tournament and need to reclassify to continue.
Crossing Center
Crossing Center allows players to create more genetic diversity for individuals. Here the player can select two NFTs (40 individuals), simulate the behavior of the "tadpoles" in those 2 NFTs and create a new NFT with the 20 best fit individuals.
The Races - Races, tournaments
The Races
The Races represent the end of training and the beginning of the “swimmers” competition after classification.
When one of the "tadpoles" meets the tournament requirements and chooses a classification, the player needs to pay 0.025 eth for tickets to the tournament. All of this money will be pooled into one pot and will be divided among the first (50%), second (30%) and third (20%).

Note that there is a limit to players who can enter the tournament, as only a maximum of 800 players can be ranked.
The race is divided into two stages: The playoff and the final. During the playoffs, races are held with up to 25 players, and the winners of the rounds can enter the finals.

The training track and the tournament track will be the same, but the tournament track will have some randomly placed obstacles to reduce the speed of players who pass through them.
When the race is over, the pot will be divided among the first, second and third places. After that, a new track will be added and a new training cycle begins again. This cycle is repeated for all additional new races.

This is a good game with new and unique mechanics. The plot and world building of StupidSperm are quite "dirty" and "weird", but this is an attractive factor as well as creating a meme and spreading in the community.
If the model is successful, it is completely possible to start a completely new NFT/GameFi Summer, both investors in particular and the ETH generation in general will benefit from the project.