Airdrop/Retroactive Opportunities From Celestia - The First Blockchain Modular

Airdrop/Retroactive Opportunities From Celestia - The First Blockchain Modular

Instructions for Celestia Testnet

According to the development team's response in the FAQ, Celestia has been confirmed to have a token for the purpose of system security through Proof-of-Stake mechanism, payment. on-chain transaction gas fees.

Celestia confirms token release in project FAQ

Although the project has not yet confirmed the Incentitive Testnet, everyone can now start using the project's testnet to get acquainted and have the opportunity to airdrop tokens in the future.

To find out about Celestia's potential, you can read the following analysis: What is Celestia? New Modular Blockchain Model For Web Expansion

Step 1: Set up wallet and testnet

Download and set up Keplr wallet HERE

Keplr knows

Access and install Mamaki Testnet on wallet HERE

Step 2: Get tokens on testnet

Currently we can only manually faucet tokens via Discord request. Join Celestia's Discord HERE

After authentication, access the #mamaki-faucet channel and enter the command according to the syntax:

$request + your Celestia wallet address

Note that the Celestia wallet address will have the phrase "celestia" in front.

After a while, 10 $TIA tokens will be deposited into your wallet.

Every time you faucet you will get 10 TIA tokens on testnet

Step 3: Create transactions on the network

Since there are no DEXs or other dApps on the network yet, transactions can only be made temporarily by sending tokens back and forth between wallets. So please create more wallet addresses (You can create a wallet linked to gmail or create a brand new wallet and save the seed phrases) and transfer the token you just faucetd in step 2 to the wallet addresses you just created.

Run node for Celestia Blockchain - chance to get Retroactive in the future

As a Modular Blockchain, current users have the options to run the node on the Celestia Network Consensus and Data networks:

Consensus Network - Consensus Network

Data Availability - Data Network

  • Bridge Node : This node connects blocks between the Data network and the Consensus network.
  • Full Storage Node : Node holds all data but not connected to consensus network
  • Light Node : Lightweight workstations for data availability sampling on the Data network

People can click the options to read detailed node running instructions compiled by Celestia.


Celestia is still in the development process, you can fully participate in the project early to help the project perfect the product in the best way and have the opportunity to receive Airdrop or Retroactive in the future.

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